Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The other day I went to a friend's house to help her move. I was immediately drawn to this wooden wine box, it was so bare I just had to take it home and attempt to give it some life.

As soon as I got home, I started sketching. The two themes I wanted to play with were wine and vintage, my instinct told me to turn to Dionysis (the greek God of the grape harvast). I noted that he would often be depicted wearing fox skins as a symbol of new life and would be surrounded by grape vines and ivy. Foxes, to me, seem like old souls and this plays well into vintage (since vintage is for those who feel kin with an older time).

Here is the final labelling I have worked out. I kept the line work brown because I am currently using a wood burning tool to inscribe the design onto the box itself.

I will be posting the final product, hopefully, tomorrow. In the meantime, I would love to hear your comments. Please feel free to critique.

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